Huge Cruise Ship Sinking In Italy – First Pictures

The photos look so much like scenes from the Titanic. Specially at night.

The cruise ship is called “Costa Concordia” and yesterday it hit some rocks on the island of Giglio in Italy. Damaging the ship’s left side and causing water to pour inside. And it’s still in the process of sinking. 4,179 people were rescued out of a total 4,229 passengers. Sadly at least 3 people have died. Authorities are still searching for the others missing.

More details here

The man in the bottom-left of the below picture is the ship’s captain, who was arrested for leaving the ship two hours after the accident. He is facing charges of involuntary manslaughter, shipwreck and abandoning ship.

God be with them.



  1. Thats like Titanic happening all over again!! thank god they were close to shores so even if people had to swim its easy to reach. I think ill have to add cruise ships to my danger list 😦


    • I read the people who died didn’t drown, they got trapped in their cabins which has electric doors (and electricity was out). They eventually died of hypothermia after the cold sea water filled their cabins. It’s very sad.


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