Old Photos Of Kuwaiti Women

um kulthom in kuwait

The Women’s Cultural and Social Society in Kuwait has an interesting instagram account where they share old pictures of Kuwaiti women and their achievements since the year 1963. If you’re into vintage photos you can check them out @wcss_q8

Above is a photo from Um Kulthom’s (far left) visit to Kuwait in 1969. Never seen her in a knee-length dress before. She looks different!

Video: Huge Asteroid Passing By Earth On June 2012

Don’t you just love space stuff? I absolutely do!

Last Thursday night 14 June 2012, Asteroid 2012 LZ1 passed by earth and astronomers could record the phenomenon for us to see.

The video shows a simulation of the phenomenon first, then shows the actual footage of the asteroid passing by earth (at 00:51).

The asteroid is 500 meters wide, that’s the length of one and a half Eiffel towers. It came within 5.3 million kilometers from earth, that’s 14 times the distance between the earth and moon. Not very close, but still close enough to be classified as hazardous to earth.

Another video that is worth watching here

NBK’s Instagram Contest

NBK are holding an Instagram contest with a different theme every week. This week’s theme is “money”. Take a picture related to the theme and mention @NBKPage and #NBKphotoaweek. The photo with the most votes would win a 100KD prize.

More details

Photo Challenge Days – 18 & 20: In My Bag, What I Read

Day-18: In my bag. My makeup case, moisturizer, perfume, and wallet. I don’t like cramping things that I don’t even use in there. Keep your bags as light as possible ladies.

Day-20: What I read. One of the few books that I ever completed. It was given to me as a reward for getting an A by one of my college architects which I respected a lot. The book really has things that nobody would usually teach you. The type of things you learn yourself with experience. I absolutely love it.