What You Need To Do With Old Spectacles/Glasses

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The other day while passing by International Optics in Salmiya Plaza (Salem Al-Mubarak street) I spotted a box dedicated to a great initiative by UK-based organization Vision Aid Overseas. You can donate your old spectacles through the box at International Optics and VAO would recycle and ship them to wherever somebody is in need.

Great initiative. Specially when I never really knew what to do with my old frames anyway.

Never mind the poor photos, was in a hurry.

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The Issue of Lost Cats

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My family moved to a new building about 6 years ago and since then, we have found not less than about 15 domestic cats roaming our street or under our building. The building’s receptionist always has lost cats lying around downstairs, and I mean always.

I’ve contacted animal shelter a couple of times but they don’t always have the time or resources to take the cats in. And you kinda lose hope of making any difference with such a large number of cats showing up every other month.

I’m not talking about strays here, I’m concerned about domestic cats that either must have run away from their home, or were let out to the streets by their owners who didn’t want them anymore.

Here are solutions to each of these cases:

1. Run-away cats

If you’re a cat owner (or even a dog owner) you must get your pet a collar with a tag that has your contact number/address engraved. You can do that at Petzone. It’s an important, quick and cheap process.
And would bring your pet back home in most cases.

2- Unwanted cats

If you have a cat (or dog) that you can’t take care of anymore letting them out to the street is honestly the stupidest thing to do. Pets are used to living inside houses and can’t survive on the street. They don’t know how to look for food, they even wouldn’t eat anything they find, they don’t realize the danger of passing cars, and they can’t stand up for themselves against other street cats.

  • Try finding someone who would adopt your pet.
  • Contact animal shelters like K’s Path and Paws. See if they can take your pet in and find a new owner.
  • You can even drop your pet at the veterinary hospital in Al-Rai. They would know what to do.

You can also use these options if you ever find a lost cat and don’t know what to do with it.

Take care of your pets people!

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Gallery: Al-Nowair

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Al Nowair is a new non-profit movement that aims to spread positivity around Kuwait. The concept was quite interesting to me when I read about it. But the event they had was what got me in love with the whole thing.

It was their first event and was full of fun surprises. Held in a rundown building in Salmiya, opposite Palm Palace restaurant, the space was divided into several stations, each dedicated to an activity that would raise your happiness bar. And they all worked! I did actually leave feeling uplifted.

So let’s take the tour inside Al-Nowair’s little happy place..

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Just tell me yellow umbrellas wouldn’t put you in a happy mood full of sunshine and rainbows!

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First station: The Yes/No illusion.

As you enter the room, you would see a NO, continue walking around it and it would turn into a YES.

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The balloons station. Write your wories on a balloon and let it fly out the window.

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When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

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Picked my lemon from tube 5. I’m a happy person.

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Something I haven’t seen in years. Hopscotch!

Was too shy to do this one. But really really wanted to! I regret it now. Next time I must jump without thinking.

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The gratitude board. To remind you of those things in life that you are most thankful for.

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This was my favorite.

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I wrote the orange stickies. I have much more that I’m thankful for. Those were the ones that occurred to me on-spot.

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Next.. Mirror mirror on the wall..

Can you read what it says?

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The pencils station. Biting on a pencil makes you feel silly, feeling silly makes you happy. Plus you’re exercising the same muscles you use to smile.

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The crafty station. Creating something fun with the material and helping to “draw the smile”.

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Flowers for grabs. You take one and give it to someone random. It’s all about spreading happiness.

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What’s your symbol of happiness?

First thing I could think of was nature. Nothing makes me feel as fresh as being surrounded with beauty.

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“Like” stamps for marking our favorite activities.

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The giveaway was as delightful as the event. A notebook with cute “happiness tips” on each page.

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And some pencils to bite on.

Exciting no?? This is the first of many events to come. You can read their story, follow them on social media platforms, and even volunteer with Al Nowair or their website www.alnowair.com



Coverage: CPR Workshop At DAI

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Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah holds some very interesting events every month and the latest I attended was a CPR workshop at the Amricani Cultural Center. The workshop was instructed by Lieutenant Hashem Al-Refai from the Kuwait National Guard. I’ve wanted to learn CPR for so long and I finally got the chance to! I must say it turned out to be more complicated than I thought. Many details that would be a real challenge to remember during an emergency situation. But once you get to practice the instructions you’d get a better hang of it.

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Lt. Al-Refai did a great job explaining everything and being really helpful with everybody’s questions. He even gladly gave me his number to publish it here for anyone who is interested in such a workshop. Scroll to the bottom of the post for details!

Much respect to him and the other helpful members of the National Guard and US Army.

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Explaining different CPR techniques for each of adults, children, and infants.

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Then learning to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). It’s the device we see in all the medical series, the one used to give an electric charge to the heart. The National Guard are working on making this device available in all public places.

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It’s always great to learn something useful and this really made my day a productive one.

If I’m not mistaken this isn’t the first CPR workshop fr omDAI and hopefully not the last. If you’re interested you can follow them on Facebook to get their updates.

I was also informed by Lt. Hashem Al-Refai that the Department of Emergency Medical Services gives a more extensive workshop that includes not only CPR, but several other emergency procedures like ones for bleeding and choking. The workshop is for one day only – 5 hours, and you get a certificate out of it. They give both groups and individuals. You can contact Lt. Refai to manage a workshop for your group, or if you’re an individual you can ask  for details about any upcoming workshops. 

Contact Lt. Hashem Al-Refai on 90000640